Three of our founding digital finance associations share their experiences and successes to help guide and inspire others on their journey.


  • Clear values and aims
    • Specific enough to inform what projects you get involved with and who you partner with
  • Diversity in the team running the association
    • Access to the whole DFS ecosystem
    • Enough people to form working groups
  • Consider project related remits (e.g. Director Gender Diversity, Director Membership) rather than generic board/exec roles to help have an action/implementation focus whilst still small in size
  • Make sure you have a good value proposition for members. Examples include:
    • Seeing impact on the ground on how the association is influencing policy and practice
    • Able to attend webinars and events (capacity build)
    • Networking to be access industry experts (in-country and global)
    • Able to contribute themselves to a project – feel good factor and also get seen in the industry
    • Competitions – hackathons etc
    • Discounts – to services and providers (e.g. DFI courses)
    • Access to consultancy opportunities
    • Catalysing networking to start potential new business partnerships and collaboration (e.g. Fair to enable MFIs to meet fintechs in Mozambique for collaboration)
    • Mentoring young entrepreneurs / innovation hubs
    • Access to more niche experts, for example lawyers specialising in techs and start-ups
  • Partner with diverse organisations in your country – central bank, regulators, development sector (e.g. FSD), fintechs, PSPs, banks etc
  • Capture and publicise the impact you are having – helps with credibility, build profile, attract members, partners and funding
  • Use interns to support the running of the association and social media/marketing – recent graduates can be affordable and gives them opportunity to build work experience/portfolios
  • Speak at other organisations/association’s events – both in-country, across Alliance Members and others.
    • Remember to have a background with your logo and plug your association
    • Tag the event organisations in your social media posts and get them to tag you – this raises exposure
  • Write articles and blog posts – share to own and association social media but also seek other avenues for publishing such as magazines and blogs
    • This also shows great thought leadership in the digital finance space
  • Keep social media pages active, share relevant content and tag, comment and share as much as possible
  • Get invited to sit on working groups, particularly those run by regulators – such as national financial inclusion strategy
  • Put together concept notes or advisory papers and send to relevant organisations to try and start discussions and collaborations (e.g. Bangladesh have a digital credit paper)

Watch the webinar here: